May 7, 2021
Meeting Information & Chat Links
Redwood City-Public Works
(650) 780-7464
Terence Kyaw Director Public Works
Sidewalk Repair Program information:
Improve your community. Report an issue and watch it get fixed.
Redwood City Firefighters
Pulse Point App
PulsePoint Respond is a 911-connected app that can immediately inform you of emergencies occurring in your community and can request your help when CPR is needed nearby.
SMC Alert
Redwood City City Council Meeting May 10, 2021
Consent Calander Item 6D
Proposal to allow City of Redwood City to transfer collection of sewer charges to the County. Sewer charges will be added to residents Property Tax.
All residential uses with one dwelling unit per parcel shall pay the following rates:
Effective July 1, 2020: Eighty-five dollars and forty-four cents ($85.44) per dwelling unit per month;
Effective July 1, 2021: Eighty-nine dollars and twenty-eight cents ($89.28) per dwelling unit, per month or one thousand and seventy-one dollars and thirty-six cents ($1,071.36) per dwelling unit, per year. The City Council shall decide, in its sole discretion, whether to impose the charges on a monthly or yearly basis. Should the City Council decide to impose the charges on a yearly basis, it may elect by resolution to have such charges collected on the tax roll in accordance with Health and Safety Code, section 5473, et seq.
May 7, 2021 City Council Meeting Agenda
RWC City Council Meetings broadcast live on Astound Broadband Channel 26
Comcast Cable Channel 27
AT&T U-verse Channel 99
Streamed online at
Zoom info:,
Meeting ID 994 8182 5639.
Public Comment-
Residents are now limited to 2 minutes, per agenda item to speak. Use the Raise Hand feature to request to speak.
City Council Contact
Our City Council e-mail address is:
If your e-mail is related to an upcoming agenda item, please include the agenda item # in the subject line.
San Mateo County-May Mental Health Month #HopeForChange
Each year, San Mateo County joins our state and country in celebrating Mental Health Month (MHM)in May. MHM is one of the best times of the year to increase awareness and inspire action to reduce stigma against those with mental health and substance use conditions. Each year we partnered with local agencies and community members to promote events free and open to the public throughout the county. All events this year will be virtual. For more information, please go to